Okpakpa Erezi

Okpakpa Erezi
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Friday, 9 September 2011

Lonely exit by Okpakpa Erezi

She mourned from monday to monday till it became mundane,she starved without being served or called to share,it was so bad that even a mile will not pay even a smile no matter how much she mined she was still denied,friends were everywhere yet she was without care not because she resented but because they selected and rejected,she was here for months unend with no one to share,cheer or care,there was no fiance to finance so her cry was wry not knowing her bye was nigh,now she has descended and we all look defeated

1 comment:

  1. Good free-flowing stuff...you put out your thoughts fairly succintly enough to create vivid impressions.
    Just make up your mind if you want to do a rhyme or just free-style; a mix usually doesn't come out right and some of the best poems written didn't have rhymes.
